refinanced its debt

December 21st, 2017

Refinancing of the debt of House of HR

Over the 1996-2017 period, House of HR experienced a very strong growth of about 50% per annum equally shared between organic growth and successful acquisitions recently including Abylsen in France in 2015. House of HR is owned by Naxicap Partners (~70%) and Conny Vandendriessche (~25%). House of HR today mainly operates in Belgium (42% of sales), Germany (29%) and The Netherlands (24%). With more than 2000 employees, the Group has deployed a network of more than 500 branches across its core countries in order to fully leverage on its dense clients portfolio of more than 20.000 clients mainly composed of SMEs. House of HR is organized around 3 segments: General staffing, Specialized staffing and Engineering/Consulting. This financing has been subscribed by more than 40 investors comprising both banks and asset managers across Europe. The terms of this financing will give House of HR a real flexibility in the development of its activities. The new financing has been rated B1/B+ by Moody’s/S&P.